Search for Train Details

The train number and name finder
Here You can search for the name and train number of all Indian trains. Currently, there are about 14 thousand trains in India running every day so to find the train number you need is possible only with the help of this form.
How to use the form:
- Choose the way you want. Start typing your train name or number and the autofill will automatically narrow your selection.
- If you have the name of your train and want to know its NUMBER then choose the option 1: Type in your train name
- If you have the number of your train and want to know its NAME then choose the option 2: Type in your train number
- Submit the form
- The result appears instantly
Trains in India
If you want to see the list of IRCTC express trains then we made one ready for you. Here it is:
Full list of all Indian Railways express trains